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What certain abbreviations and terms inside comparison tables and spec pages means?

Explanation of all Laptop related technical terms and abbreviations can be found on our “glossary” page.

Laptop specs are wrong. How can I send correction?

If you found mistake in our data, please use contact page and explain us where and how to fix wrong data.

Why haven’t we added Laptop X yet?

We have a limited resources. However if you wish to add a product, send us suggestion via contact us page.

I am not sure which laptop to buy. Can you help me to decide?

We do not endorse any manufacturers or models. However we are preparing the notebook picker app where you will be able to filter out laptops with required features.

If you do not endorse any products how do you make money?

This site is monetized by Amazon Affiliate program. This means that every time you end up on Amazon (via our price check links) and buy something, we make small commission, which do not influence your price at all. Also, we serve Google Adsense ads on a couple of places across this site.

I want to advertise on your site. How can I do it?

Although we don’t have web advertisement spaces, contact us and we are gonna figure out some deal for you.